🆘 Urgent

Please dial local emergency services first. If you’re able to, exit the building by walking straight out of door 3.05 until you reach the very end of the hallway, then take the lift or stairs down. This exit is always open.

⏰ Time-Sensitive

If it’s not as urgent but still an emergency, please dial the building’s emergency phone line. You can also always contact us.

🏖️ Not urgent

Feel free to fill out our anonymous form.

🦠 COVID-19 Guidelines

General rules

We have a collection of rapid tests and FFP2 masks on hand, so feel free to help yourself to them. We don’t have a preference between you wearing or not wearing a mask.

Please don’t come to our space if you’re feeling unwell—it may or may not be COVID-19, but either way you probably don’t want others to feel the same way!

If you exposed others

If you test positive within 24 hours of being in our space, please let us know using our form. We’ll email everyone who was in the coworking space on the days you indicate, but we won’t share your name.

If you were exposed

If we notify you of a possible exposure, we encourage you to take rapid tests for the next few days. Please don’t come if your test is positive or you have symptoms.