🤗 Your First Visit

Congratulations on being invited! Thanks so much for being interested in our coworking space. Before you come, please make sure you:

  1. Read this guide in full. (You’re partway through already!)
  2. Fill out this form.

đź‘‹ Signing In and Out

It’s really important that you sign in and out; whether this space continues next year rests largely on its usage data. Our sign-in and sign-out system is very basic, and it requires manual cleanup if you sign in twice or sign out twice by accident, so please be careful. If you need to reconnect the iPad to wifi, triple click the top button and enter the passcode (800000) to go to settings.

If the door to the office is locked, the key will be in the lockbox outside door 3.05. If you’re the last person leaving the office, please lock the office. The key opens door 3.05, and the lockbox code is pinned in the #general channel of our Slack.

Who’s Invited

You! (If you’ve received an invite.)

đź‘Ş Regular Usage

Our space is invite-only. We’re focused on building a special space for:

  1. People who do really exciting, impactful work, and
  2. Students focused on having very high impact careers.

We think conversations between and within both groups is the primary value our space brings, and the reason we believe it’s worth funding. If you think someone would add value to the space and/or gain value from it, please encourage them to apply.

🗓️ Bookable Slots

In the future, once we get a sense of how full the space gets on different days, we aim to have certain desks be bookable by a broader audience than that which would typically receive invites. If you’d like to bring a guest once or occasionally, this will be the best way to schedule them in while avoiding overcrowding.

Until then, feel free to ask us before inviting someone. 🙂

You can see a gallery of everyone invited here.



Reception Doors

The reception actually has two doors: one to the left and one to the right (when you’re facing it from the street).

The left door is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm, and the receptionist gives you access to the building.

The right door is the only door open 24/7, and it can only be accessed with a keycard. You can use the same keycard to give yourself access to the stairwell and elevator once you enter, regardless of whether the receptionist is there.